Delaware Environmental Institute

Quick! The elevator doors close and you have the next 90 seconds to tell the person standing next to you about your research. What do you say? Why does your research matter?
While few “elevator pitches” actually take place in elevators, being able to explain your research clearly, concisely, and engagingly is important.
That’s what DENIN’s Pitch:90 competition is all about. It’s a fast-paced speaking competition in which student researchers describe their work in 90 seconds or less to a panel of judges and an enthusiastic audience.
It’s designed to be an entertaining, rewarding way to give science and engineering students a chance to develop their communication and presentation skills while showcasing their research.
A panel of judges assembled from UD and local businesses, nonprofits, schools, and government agencies rate each contestant’s 90-second pitch. At the end of the night, cash prizes are awarded to the top three contestants, including the grand prize of $500. All contestants receive a Pitch:90 t-shirt and everyone gets to attend a fun social event with food and beverages provided!
Pitch 90 2023 will take place on November 14, 2023 , at Clayton Hall, on the University of Delaware’s Newark campus. The event is open to the public —you’ll be amazed by the outstanding work our students are doing! Doors open at 5:30pm.
Check out some winning pitches on YouTube!
Register for the 2023 Pitch:90
Registration for Pitch:90 is now open. Click the link here to register.