Seminar Series

Energy & Environment

Our future depends on finding solutions to intertwined energy and environmental challenges.

The Delaware Energy Institute and the Delaware Environmental Institute teamed up during the fall 2017 semester to offer a series of talks by University of Delaware researchers in our common areas of interest: energy, water, food, and climate. We hoped to enhance our shared knowledge of the related research happening on campus and encourage collaborations.

All of the talks in the series were recorded (slides and audio) and are available for review. See the links in the seminar list below to access each talk via WebEx.


Oct. 3
Steven Hegedus, Scientist, Institute for Energy Conversion, presents
“Research at the Institute for Energy Conversion on Advanced Silicon Solar Cell Device Structures.”

Oct. 11
Bonnie Ram, Senior Researcher and Associate Director, Center for Carbon-Free Power Integration, presents
“Renewable Energy in Denmark and Delmarva: Transitioning to a Clean Energy Economy.”

Oct. 17
Bingqing Wei, Professor, Dept. of Mechanical Engineering, presents
“Nanomaterials for Energy Storage Applications.”

Oct. 24
McKay Jenkins, Cornelius A. Tilghman Professor, Dept. of English, presents
“Highways, Subdivisions, and GMOs: An Environmental Humanities Look at the Way Americans Eat.”
(Due to technical difficulties, only 32 minutes of this presentation were recorded.)

Nov. 7
David Wunsch, State Geologist and Director, Delaware Geological Survey, presents
“Water Supply Management Issues in the Delaware River System: A Tale of Tunnels, Transfers, Tumult, and Trout Fishing.”

Nov. 14 
Holly Michael, Unidel Fraser Russell Career Development Chair for the Environment, Dept. of Geological Sciences, and Associate Director of Environmental Initiatives, DENIN, presents
“Water Sustainability Challenges in the 21st Century.”

Nov. 28
Benjamin Wollet, Ph.D. Candidate, Dept. of History
“Pumping Gas, Mobilizing Interests:  A History of Climate Change and Transportation, 1987-93.”

Dec. 6
Andreas Malikopoulos, Associate Professor, Dept. of Mechanical Engineering, presents
“A Decentralized Energy-Optimal Control Framework for Connected and Automated Vehicles.”

Dec. 12
John Byrne, Distinguished Professor of Energy and Climate Policy and Director, Center for Energy and Environmental Policy, presents
“New Strategies for the New Climate: Thoughts and Observations After the COP23 Bonn Meetings.”